Key Benefits - IMAGEhost

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Image Retrieval System

Benefits include:

  • Flexibility. No need to leave your workstation, home or remote location.
  • Cost-savings. IMAGEhost can:
    • Eliminate expensive IT and hardware costs
    • Reduce/eliminate staff time for the search and transport of physical archives
    • Save wear and tear on the original medium
    • Work with third-party paywall applications*
  • Ease of Use. Intuitive interface with simple operational, editing and saving commands.
  • Fast Speed. Viewers browse through materials in its original roll format for faster loading and viewing. Three speed options further increase efficiency.
  • Immediate Record/Image Access. Access images from multiple devices, including traditional PC’s, laptops, tablets and any internet-connected device.
  • Flexible Output Options. Selected images can be saved to hard drive, USB, CD/DVD, printed or output to email and any internet/cloud program.
  • Easy Search. Collections can be searched by roll index, text (if the OCR scanning option has been employed) or by blip. Finding images is a quick and efficient process.
  • Password Security. IMAGEhost uses individual or a dedicated log-in credentials to responsibly protect and share microfilm collections.

*Not provided by The Crowley Company