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Digital Microfilm Image Retrieval System

Web-based access to digitized media in its original format …from any location…on any device.

IMAGEhost, a digital preservation platform, is The Crowley Company’s innovative software system that allows users to easily access scanned microfilm collections in their original format from a desktop, laptop, tablet or other internet-connected device.

Working from three key components – access to image repositories, an indexed database and the IMAGEhost operating program – IMAGEhost maximizes initial capture investment by offering full-image exposure to any network, client or patron base.

Host and Share Microfilm Collections Easily

IMAGEhost is offered as a premise-hosted platform and is a software package that can integrate seamlessly into an existing IT infrastructure for affordable, cost-efficient records and image access.

Option One: We Scan. You Host.

Option Two: You Scan.* You Host.


For more information on the technical requirements and cost-saving benefits of IMAGEhost, contact us today.

*Collections must be scanned using Mekel Technology MACH-Series, Wicks and Wilson 8800-Series or Crowley MACH Mini microfilm scanners and software.